Would you like to help bring Trika Mahāsiddha Yoga’s projects into reality? 


Your donations help make this happen!


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Support TMY’s Projects & Service Initiatives

Dharma traditions teach that the fruit of the path is compassion and generosity. As practitioners, one of the ways we demonstrate our dedication to the welfare of all sentient beings is to give and to serve when we are able.

*TMY is a legal Non-Profit Religious Organization able to issue receipts to donors to be used to gain tax exemptions.


These are the projects and service initiatives that need your support:


 1. Student Scholarship Fund
 2. Trika Publications & Translations 
 3. Dharma Patrons
 4. TMY Endowment Fund
 5. The American Dzogchen Hermitage


*All donations are held in accounts designated only for those specific projects and service initiatives for which the accounts are allocated. We are extremely careful not to mix donations with “day-to-day” expense funds. Additionally, you may come to the TMY center in Maine, USA  and view our bank records at any time. We believe it is important to remain completely transparent concerning donations and spending on the designated projects.

Student Scholarship Fund

This fund provides students experiencing financial hardship to attend courses and retreats. At most times there is a list of students awaiting scholarships. Your donation will be greatly appreciated and put to good use! Know that Dharma Bodhi & Sahaja Dākinī also provide scholarships from there pocket for each course or retreat.

Trika Publications' & Translations

Dharma was given the mandate from both his Indian and Tibetan masters to commit the oral teachings he had received into written texts. Some of the topics to be covered in this series of books are – 12 Stage View Teachings, The Complete 11 Stage Process of Kundalinī, The Guerilla Handbook of Spiritual Practice, All My Relations – Working with Influence and Possession by Other Realm Beings in Dharma Practice, and more. He was also asked by his Dzogchen master, The 33rd Menri Trizin – Lungtok Tenpa’i Nyima, to translate a series of Dzogchen texts from Tibetan into English. So far he has translated the first prayer book of preliminary practice titled The Precious Chariot, and is currently translating his second text in that series with a number of other texts in the queue awaiting translation.

Dharma Patrons

Dharma Bodhi is in the phase of his life where he is giving back to humanity the liberating knowledge and practices he has been so generously and kindly given by his masters. He teaches, writes and practices full time now in order to serve the growing number of TMY students. Due to this he is no longer able to work as a chiropractor and Ayurvedic therapist to support his family and himself. Teachers associated with large Dharma institutions are often financially supported by those institutions and their patrons, who may or may not be practitioners. TMY is not affiliated with any large institution on purpose, in order to avoid difficulties inherent in those relationships, therefore TMY does not benefit from the deep funding these institutions have at their disposal. For this reason, Dharma and his family would be most grateful if any students of TMY, or friends of the Dharma who have the means would like to give their support by becoming Patrons of Dharma’s family. This was the traditional way to support the Dharma in ancient times. We thank you for your support.

The TMY Endowment Fund

TMY is establishing a Trust Fund, the dividends of which are to be used to sustain the workings of TMY and make all courses and retreats tuition-fee free. Donors may help establish this investment fund in two main ways:
  •  Donate lump sums directly into the designated TMY Endowment account.
  •  Designate TMY as the Beneficiary of your Estate.

The American Dzogchen Hermitage 

At some point in their Path, dedicated practitioners may require the proper environment of solitude and stability to actualize the fruit of their path of practice. TMY is in the planning stages of creating a 1,000 acre hermitage in a rural mountainous area of Maine, where serious practitioners can take retreat for extended periods in a natural and undisturbed environment. This may be for a designated amount of time with the practitioner returning to society afterwards, or it may be their final retreat taking them into death. The facilities to be constructed are:
  • Retreat Huts with kitchenette, composting toilet, water, wood burning stove
  • Cave Retreats – bricked in with the same specs as the Retreat Huts, these will be hewn from the rock face of the mountain on the property
  • Small industrial kitchen and dining area
  • Small teaching Hall/Meditation Temple
  • Small library
  • Stupa designed and illustrated for Dharma Bodhi by 33rd Menri Trizin Rinpoche
  • Small Reliquary Building for the remains of the practitioners who practice into death at the hermitage


The Scholarship fund provides students in financial hardship with the opportunity to join paid courses and receive teachings. If you need financial assistance please apply below.



We will be in touch shortly.